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KIOTI RC1072 Rotary Cutter Mower




New/Used New
Availability In Stock
LocationCarroll Location
Primary ColorOrange
Stock # RC1072
Condition Excellent

Product Features

Dealer Notes
Model: RC1072
Product Description: Low Horsepower 72" Single-Spindle Cutter
Tractor PTO Range (hp): 21-50
Hitch Category / Type: Category 1 / Cantilevered
Cutting Width (in.): 72
Cutting Height Range (in.): 2-9
Cutting Capacity (in.): 1
Gearbox (hp): 50
Blade Tip Speed (fpm): 14,340
Deck Side Depth (in.): 7
Approximate Weight (lb.): 575
Blade Dimensions (in.): .5 x .3
Blade Carrier: Oval Stump Jumper
Tail Wheel: 4 x 16 Laminated
Driveline Protection: Slip-Clutch
Frame & Deck Support: 3/8 Rails
Tractor PTO Speed (rpm): 540
Quick Hitch Compatible: Yes
Cutting Area Shielding: Belt Standard/Chain Shielding Optional
Warranty (cutter/gearbox): 1 Year/3 Years

Specifications and design are subject to change without notification.

Olsen's Outdoor Power Carroll, serving Carroll, Ames, Ft. Dodge, Storm Lake, Denison, Templeton, Glidden, Dedham, Coon Rapids, Jefferson, Auburn, Lake City, Sac City, Mapleton and all points in between.

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